New Theory about the “US hyping up Ebola”

Susanne Posel, the chief editor of Occupy Corporatism told press TV that the US has an alternative reason for talking so much about the Ebola epidemic. She says, ” The Ebola ‘hype is to distract everyone from what is actually happening'”.The United States is sending about 4,000-strong US force to Liberia, a region that is the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak, and will be joined by hundreds more British troops in a mission aimed at building medical centers and training healthcare workers. Posel expresses concerns about this, stating that they were using the Ebola outbreak as an excuse and a cover to go to the region, which recently discovered natural gas and oil, in order to obtain the natural resources, ” ‘There is a country that has natural resources that IMF, World Bank, the United States and the UK want control over,’ Posel said, referring to Liberia”. This theory seems possible because of the past exploitation of Africa’s natural resources, and it is an interesting topic that should be further investigated.

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